ASUS Wireless PCI-E Adapter (PCE-N15)

Best Buy - Ottawa

ASUS Wireless PCI-E Adapter (PCE-N15)

Price: $27.98 at Best Buy

Date posted: Apr 20, 2013


ASUS Wireless PCI-E Adapter (PCE-N15) The ASUS PCE-N15 lets you set up a wireless connection in 3 simple and easy steps. The Software AP modes also lets your WLAN card act as a virtual access point so that you can connect your devices to th... Read more

Price history

Date Difference Change rate Price
Apr 20, 2013 $6.00
Price drop by 18%
Mar 21, 2013 $0.01
Mar 12, 2013 $6.00
Price jump by 21%
Dec 2, 2012 $21.00
Price drop by 41%
Sep 5, 2012 $18.00
Price jump by 55%
Jun 27, 2012

Where to buy in Ottawa


ASUS Wireless PCI-E Adapter (PCE-N15) view

Posted on: Apr 20, 2013

-18% Price drop by 18%


ASUS Wireless PCI-E Adapter (PCE-N15) view

Posted on: Apr 17, 2013

-18% Price drop by 18%


ASUS PCE-N15, Wireless N PCI-Express Adapter - up to 300 Mbps, 2 x R SMA Antenna view

Posted on: Mar 9, 2012

-14% Price drop by 14%

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